May 27, 2020
Heroes on the front line: Chelsea Lawrence
Around the world, health care providers are on the front line of the battle against the coronavirus.
They are struggling to treat a disease with no known treatment, one to which no human has natural immunity.
At Coverage, we are giving Massachusetts doctors, nurses, NPs, PAs and other hospital workers a chance to speak to you, our readers, in their own words. We asked that they share their simplest, most urgent lessons and messages as they face this new virus with no vaccine and no cure, a virus vulnerable only to our common human bravery, ingenuity and compassion.

The unknown is difficult to grasp. However, we must trust in those who are working tirelessly to fight this pandemic. We become more than just providers of medical care during crisis. We are here to support our patients in their greatest time of need, when they may feel isolated – but they are not alone. It is so incredibly important that the public adheres to social distancing, but embrace your loved ones (from afar) and remember, “this too shall pass."
- Chelsea Lawrence, PA
Emergency Department,
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital–Needham
More in the "Heroes on the front line" series:
Dr. Regan Marsh
Emergency physician
Brigham’s and Women's emergency department
Dr. Raghuveer Rakasi
Hospital Medicine
Baystate Medical Center
Kelly Young
Director of Environmental Services and Patient Transportation
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital - Milton
Dr. Vijay Sankaran
Attending physician
Boston Children’s Hospital
Gloria Batista
Boston Health Care for the Homeless
Brad Robillard
Brigham and Women's Hospital