Apr 2, 2020
Heroes on the front line: Dr. Jessica Isom
For five minutes starting at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 3, people across Massachusetts will join in #ClapBecauseWeCare. Like those before us in London and Italy and New York City, we will cheer for our neighbors who leave home every day to do essential work, while most of the public stays home in a desperate attempt to slow the spread of the pandemic. We will cheer for those who are keeping our lights and heat on. We will cheer for those who keep our grocery stores open, and our streets safe. And we will cheer loudly, with awe and gratitude, for those fighting coronavirus in hospitals.
At Coverage, we are giving the doctors, nurses, PAs and NPs who are on the front line a chance to speak to you, our readers, in their own words. We asked that they share their simplest, most urgent messages as they fight this new virus with no vaccine and no cure, a virus vulnerable only to our common human bravery, ingenuity and compassion.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has unearthed many strengths in us all. It has laid bare the core of our being as patients and health care workers. In this time of forced physical distance and creative social connectedness, kindness is flourishing. As a psychiatrist, I am charged with joining my patients on their life journey filled with its challenges and victories, serving as a companion more than a guide. This reciprocity has never been more clear than current patient discussions filled with exchanges on mutual safety, mutual care and mutual wellbeing. We often end our telephonic calls together saying "be safe, and wash your hands!" This mutual care extends to my colleagues and reverberates throughout our health center. We are all struggling to make sense of uncertainty, together. We can all sense that this too shall pass as we push forward each day committing ourselves to collective resilience."
- Dr. Jessica Isom, psychiatrist, Codman Square Health Center
More in the "Heroes on the front line" series:
Trish Powers
Operating room RN
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Dr. Michael Kiernan
Tufts Medical Center
Dr. William Baker
Emergency medicine physician
Boston Medical Center
Maureen Plunkett
ED clinical nurse educator
Boston Medical Center
Dr. Robert Green
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Iris Montijo
Pediatric NP,
Codman Square Health Center