Patient Stories ‘I wanted to become a healthier Cheryl’ How a Blue Cross coaching program helped improve physical and mental health
Patient Stories I won’t let my ‘sugar’ stand in my way How a local woman took charge of her diabetes and her health, with a little help from her health plan
Patient Stories Health care at home Health plan offers Medicare Advantage members medical care in the comfort of their own living rooms
Patient Stories Team approach to prescription drugs and medical care How a health plan’s key partnership is making a difference in its members’ lives
Patient Stories As a community, we need to talk more about mental health A Latina mom speaks out about her journey to overcome stigma, anxiety and depression
Patient Stories Why eye exams matter for people with diabetes Preventive screenings, covered by Blue Cross, provide crucial opportunities for the right treatment at the right time
Patient Stories Is a virtual PCP right for me? New digital primary care options emerge amid rising need for both physical and mental health support
Patient Stories When should I get screened for cancer? A conversation with your primary care provider can help you determine what to do
Patient Stories Vital support for kidney disease management A Massachusetts carpenter credits his health plan and a new telehealth program with lifesaving benefits